Playing the waiting game

1378785502933So, after a mini flurry of activity on the admin front it suddenly feels like we are back to idle territory.

The contract variations and amended drawings were sent to us for approval last Thursday – 3 painstakingly long weeks after contract signing.

I had high hopes for a quick and straight forward sign off especially as I had emailed the builder a detailed and itemised summary of every single variation we raised during the contract process.

But I should have known that nothing in this building project is ever that simple and straight forward! There were a few silly oversights like the elevation drawings showing the wrong cladding material and the change to the ground floor powder room window not reflected on the plans. Not significant errors thank God!

By Metricon’s timetable, we should be in a position to lodge our DA application by the 15th August. Holy cow! That’s only 8 working days away!

I should be excited that we are so close to this last hurdle before construction. But to be honest I’m a bit stressed out and worried. It seems that our CSC has gone MIA. I’ve left a couple of voice messages and emails over the last couple of days to get a status check but I’ve not heard a peep out of her 😦

What’s stressing me out is that we may be cutting it fine with the timeline. In our contract, we need to handover the site to Metricon by 17 November. Ryde Council has advised us it could take anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks for approval. So, if council takes its sweet time to give our application the go ahead then we will definitely miss the deadline.

Here’s hoping we luck out and get a fast tracked, objection free approval! For that to happen, Metricon needs to hustle and fix everything the needs fixing and get all the reports and plans for the DA finalised and submitted ASAP!

C’mon Metricon, go go go!